There are two special categories of America the Beautiful passes, one for seniors and one for those with permanent disabilities. Both types of passes provide similar entrance benefits as the America the Beautiful Annual Pass. In addition, they usually provide a 50 percent discount on expanded amenity fees, mostly notably camping fees. However, these discounts are generally not available on special recreation fees (such as permits to limited areas) or fees charged by concessionaires.
Senior Passes
If you’re a US citizen or legal permanent resident aged 62 or older, you can get an America the Beautiful Senior Pass by providing documentation of your age and citizenship or residency.
This program changed substantially in 2016. There are now two varieties of the Senior Pass: one is an annual pass that costs $20, and the other is a lifetime pass that costs $80. You can exchange four annual senior passes purchased in consecutive years for a lifetime pass.
You can purchase a Senior Pass online, in person at a number of federal recreation areas and offices, or you can mail a paper application instead. Please note that additional processing fees are added to online and paper application purchases.
Access Passes
If you’re permanently disabled, you can qualify for a lifetime Access Pass. The pass itself is free, but there is a $10 processing fee for the application. You are required to provide documentation that demonstrates proof of permanent disability in addition to proof of US citizenship or residency.
Like the senior pass, you can purchase an Access Pass online, in person at a number of federal recreation areas and offices, or you can mail a paper application instead.